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Acknowledging Country

Acknowledging Country

For those who are unfamiliar, an Acknowledgement of Country is just that – it’s when anyone apart from the Traditional Owners of the land Acknowledge the Country you’re working, living, or creating on. This is different from a Welcome to Country which is delivered by Traditional Owners.   

*Disclaimer* There is no course that is a substitute for the life-long commitment and learning to unsettle this place known as “Australia”

 This module is a pedagogical moment, and a provocation to think critically about how and why we Aaknowledge – instead of just having an Acknowledgement at the top or bottom of the page or as in introduction to a presentation. With that in mind we’re sharing a few resources and examples from different positionalities and perceptives about Acknowledgement. This module is an invitation for you to think critically and mindfully about how and why we acknowledge. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Ability to self-reflect on positionality, and awareness of Blak discussions local to the Country you are on
  2. Awareness of contemporary Blak-led discussions around Acknowledgement use and applications, including appropriate and respectful language
  3. Have a critical go at drafting an Acknowledgement

Image taken at this mob’s Battle Wattle publication launch, photo credit: Anne Moffat

Learning Objective 1: Ability to self-reflect on positionality, and awareness of Blak discussions local to the country you are on

Learning Objective 1: Ability to self-reflect on positionality, and awareness of Blak discussions local to the country you are on

An Acknowledgement in not an admission of privilege or settler-guilt, reflecting on your positionality is key to delivering an Acknowledgement with meaning. Kimberlé Crenshaw’s work on intersectionality is informed by reflecting on aspects of our identities such as race, gender, class and ability. Positionality considers these aspects in relation to others, what action(s) you might do and how this might change over time.

Acknowledgement is an action, a meaningful Acknowledgement is not about the public-facing outcome but about the deep understanding and commitment to unsettling this place. In the words of Lila Watson, “If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together”.

‘The anatomy of a blak urbanist’ by Timmah Ball published in Un Projects, issue 12.1

Questions to consider for Learning Objective 1:

  • How old were you when you found out what Aboriginal land you were on?
  • The Woiwurrung & Boonwurrung word for welcome is wominjeka and it means “to come with purpose ”, what might that tell you about how First Nations people frame reciprocity? 

Key Resources:

Tuck, E. and Yang, K.W. (2012) Decolonization is not a metaphor. Available at: https://clas.osu.edu/sites/clas.osu.edu/files/Tuck%20and%20Yang%202012%20Decolonization%20is%20not%20a%20metaphor.pdf


Watego, C. (2021) Always bet on black (power), Meanjin. Available at: https://meanjin.com.au/essays/always-bet-on-black-power/


Wright, A. (2018) What happens when you tell somebody else’s story?, Meanjin. Available at: https://meanjin.com.au/essays/what-happens-when-you-tell-somebody-elses-story/



Learning Objective 2: Awareness of contemporary Blak-led discussions around Acknowledgement use and applications, including appropriate and respectful language

Learning Objective 2: Awareness of contemporary Blak-led discussions around Acknowledgement use and applications, including appropriate and respectful language

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are not all one Peoples, you may have seen this map of Indigenous Australia, this map is just a starting point and a guide, the true wealth and diversity of Blak ‘Australia’ is expansive. Check out Vernon Ah Kee’s work ‘Transforming Tindale’ that responds to the creation of this map. Know which country you are on, do your own research into in the land you’re standing on.

It is as simple as starting with google

In this eModule we have used the term Blak, coined by Erub/Mer and K’ua K’ua Artist Destiny Deacon as a way of affirming her identity and redefining the labels that are placed on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, please see “Why Blak and not Black” (Munro, 2020). Language, grammar, spelling, italics, capitalisation, and semantics are important when acknowledging! Please refer to the style guide in recommended readings for comprehensive insights. For instance, phrasing “our indigenous peoples” expresses ownership.

Berthelsen, A (2022) [twitter] April 9. Access here: https://twitter.com/uyarakq/status/1512494574517772289?s=20&t=GnYGMDRAGXDiXXf-LTq_jg

Italicising indigenous words is a form of othering and positions English as the dominant language. Don’t use past tense or outdated terminology. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples are the oldest continuing culture on Earth – it’s not in the past!

Using acronyms like “ATSI” simplify the density of cultures, be specific when acknowledging the land you’re on. Acronyms that become globally popular through social media, such as BIPOC, come from a different racial context and don’t necessarily translate in so called ‘Australia’, do some research into the terms you are using.

Lastly, minority groups work extremely hard to create language that describes their experiences, be mindful of the language you are using and if you’re co-opting language that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples work really hard to create! Always reference the work of First Peoples!

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Peoples are the most researched people on the planet – Indigenous Peoples are the experts in their own experiences. Make an effort to follow indigenous-led research and content, there are some helpful starting points linked at the end of this module. Instead of categorising and capturing knowledge, be open to receiving knowledge.

If you’re still stuck, check out this Style Guide as a starting point to crafting your Acknowledgement.

Questions to consider for Learning Objective 2:

Indigenous, First Nations or First Peoples? Why might Destiny Deacon have created her own term Blak?

Learning Objective 3: have a critical go at drafting an acknowledgement, let’s hear from some others on how they crafted their Acknowledgements!

Learning Objective 3: have a critical go at drafting an acknowledgement, let’s hear from some others on how they crafted their Acknowledgements!

Questions to consider for Learning Objective 3, Example 1:

  • How has he balanced his positionality on stolen land and ‘coming with purpose’?
  • What do you notice about the tone?
  • Who is being centered in this Acknowledgement?
  • How has he centered First Nations struggles?
  • How has he framed it is relations to the event? What makes it unique to this event?

Examples 1: Acknowledgement spoken by Dr Danny Butt for Joel Spring and Tania Cañas in-conversation

Listen to Danny Butt’s Acknowledgement and introduction from 00:00 to 02:00 into this video, to watch the in-conversation see here.

Example 2: this mob’s Acknowledgement made for Dis rupt, Arts Centre Melbourne

Text Reads: We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and protectors of the earth, skies and waters of this area, the Boonwurrung and Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We acknowledge their Ancestors and Elders who have watched over this land, upholding the Lores that have existed for thousands of years. We have gathered here on the banks of the Birrarung through the change of many seasons, and have been consistently cared and looked out for by the land and people. We offer that same love and respect back to the Ancestors belonging to this land, and their descendants. We acknowledge the importance of understanding the land in which we live and work, and we will continue to learn and grow as we pay deepest respect to those who have kept culture strong. Elders who have showed us the way, and those who continue the fight for justice. With this, we’d also like to acknowledge the future protectors, our young people tasked with continuing this path built by those who have walked this long ago. We’d also like to pay respect to our artists, their Elders, communities and Lores. As young people, it is our responsibility to carry on our culture and to one day hand it to our future.

Questions to consider for Learning Objective 3, Example 2:  

What stood out for you about this Acknowledgement? 

How might you sit in relation to Acknowledgment?

Is there something from your own culture you can bring to Acknowledgement? 

Now it’s your go!

Now it’s your go!

As you can see there are many different ways you can approach Acknowledgement, have a go at writing one in your own words. Reflect on your positionality, think about what language is important to you and remember to come with purpose!   

Recommended Resources

Recommended Resources

Bell, R. (2002) Bell’s Theorem: ABORIGINAL ART – It’s a white thing!, Bell’s theorem. Kooriweb. Available at: http://www.kooriweb.org/foley/great/art/bell.html


Foley, G. (2010) Gary Foley: Advice for White Indigenous activists in Australia, YouTube. The Juice Media. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEGsBV9VGTQ&ab_channel=thejuicemedia


Hunt, M. (2020) Why an acknowledgement of country is important (and advice on how to give one)Molly Hunt, ABC Everyday. ABC Everyday. Available at: https://www.abc.net.au/everyday/why-acknowledgement-of-country-is-important-and-how-to-give-one/11881902

TEDxTalks, S.R. (2022) Deliver an acknowledgement of country that really means something | Shelley Reys | TEDxSydney, YouTube. TEDxSydney. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxo18_7BDt4&ab_channel=TEDxTalks



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