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Photography courtesy of Anu Kumar

Black Wattle Publication

Kate Ten Buuren, Moorina Bonini, Neika Lehman, Maya Hodge, Maddee Clark & Kalyani Mumtaz

Black Wattle is a keeping place: a collection of poetry, photography, collage and illustration developed by this mob arts collective over the last 12 months.

Produced by Kalyani Mumtaz through Arts House’s Refuge program, supported by Arts Gen, and published by Incendium Radical Library. Black Wattle showcases the work of artists/writers, Kate Ten Buuren, Moorina Bonini, Neika Lehman, Maya Hodge and, Maddee Clark and the conversations they exchanged throughout lockdown.

Common themes include tracing waterways, backyard gardens, thinking locally and relationships to place. After the onslaught of screens and digital communication in recent times, refresh your mind and senses with 100 pages of new work in print.

this mob is an arts collective for emerging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creatives. Since 2016, this mob has been active in facilitating workshops, curating exhibitions, hosting events and disrupting across so-called Melbourne. The collective now has a home base at Collingwood Yards.

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